Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life as we know it...

Little one...
Young Lady...
I dropped my coat off this afternoon to be cleaned and then to grab lunch when I noticed a little boy asking his grandpa (I'm assuming here) what the rocks are on the sidewalk, it was the salt to melt the ice. That little boy got me to thinking...as the 'kids' in my family get older I'm realizing things change more quickly than we like. My cousins middle daughter is 18 and about to graduate boot camp at Fort Jackson (February 7th!!) that makes my daughter almost 17 (in March) and looking at colleges. It's scary for her because its something new and exciting but it's also scary for me as I realize I need to let go of the little girl I once had and embrace the young adult she is becoming.

She's making big life decisions while still struggling with the trials and tribulations of all high school girls. Who is dating who, what girl "stabbed" who in the back or what subjects are causing anxiety, this being her junior year it's a very important one. As I said earlier, checking out colleges, since this year is the one that is looked at for grades, community service, extra circular it is imperative that the decisions made are the right ones. But how do you or anyone know what is right without trying and failing first? Life changes at every turn however I think the biggest changes come from growing up, the biggest of them all...graduating from high school and realizing you are becoming and adult.