I am tired. Job hunting really is a full-time job in itself filled with depression, anxiety, rejection day in and day out.
They say the best way to get a new position is to network. But what if people in your network say things like sure I'll let you know if you hear anything, good luck or take care? Take care. That to me is a kiss-off so to speak. It is the same as saying I know you need help but I'm not going to be the one to help you.
Makes me sad because while that is being typed out the thought in their mind is probably I'll keep an ear out and let them know. But the words say differently, they say HA, you are a blip in my life and I won't give you a second thought even if I hear something.
I know I am not the only one having these thoughts while out of work, searching for the next opportunity knowing the salary goal can be an issue but the skills that come along are more than worth it.
Hoping things change soon. I don't like not working, not contributing to the world in any small way and feeling lost.
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